Dockge is a simple docker-compose interface that enables you to quickly and securely deploy docker-compose containers, it includes a docker-run to docker-compose converter so you can work with either type of entry and get deployed swiftly. You will be able to deploy docker-compose stacks, assign their file access, and set secure environmental variables from the same page during deployment. This has been scripted for Debian-based systems.
sudo apt install nano -y
nano dockge.deploy
Copy the full script
Paste the script inside the dockge.deploy file open in nano
chmod +x dockge.deploy
Once this is complete you'll be able to find the Dockge interface at http://IPADDRESS:5001
if you do not know your device IP address enter:
ip a
Full Script:
##Update & Upgrade
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y
##Install apt-utils
#sudo apt install apt-utils -y
##Install cifs-utils(SMB)
#sudo apt install cifs-utils -y
##Install crontab
#sudo apt install cron -y
##Install quemu-guest-agent for proxmox
#sudo apt install qemu-guest-agent
##Install docker and docker-compose
#sudo apt install docker-compose -y
##Make directories for Dockge
sudo mkdir -p /opt/stacks /opt/dockge
##Select /opt/dockge as working directory in script
pushd /opt/dockge
##Pull Dockge from github
sudo curl --output compose.yaml
##Start the Dockge docker container
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo reboot now